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 It began with Fate and it all ended with Them. 

Sanguine Moon

Enter the World of GÃ¥ntham in Sanguine Moon.


        It has been twenty years since Kaethurios, the Man of Night, destroyed GÃ¥ntham and left the King and Queen steeped in their sorrow. The kingdom is submerged in dark corruption with no foreseeable end. The Man of Night may be gone, but the nightmare certainly is not. Whispers of rebellion threaten the remaining fragile balance, but one man has managed to keep GÃ¥ntham from utter desolation. Hadrian works as the king's assassin, disposing of the criminals who the Council have denounced as guilty. It's not an easy life, and only the thought of revenge gives Hadrian the will to survive. 


       When yet another town is on the verge of rebellion, Hadrian is sent to stop it. He arrives at the city and he finds something unexpected - a girl. Alyss explains how Kaethurios is returning, and magic (a force strictly forbidden) is coming with him. She herself is a magician who is desperate for a chance at redemption. Together, the assassin and the magician head off to warn the king of the danger. Before long, what should have been a day's journey becomes an adventure. Everything they ever thought they knew is tested and every breath they take will bring them closer to the night the moon shines red.



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